The chicken coops or hen houses are perfect for obtaining fresh, natural eggs and for raising chickens. Made of wood, metal, or PVC, these types of prefabricated houses for poultry are modern, with an eco-friendly design, portable or mobile, and feature beautiful handcrafted finishes.
You can buy a cheap hen house in large or small sizes depending on the number of birds you have, such as 50 chickens, 10, or the number you wish to have in the future.
Chicken Coops and Hen Houses
If you enjoy raising chickens for good eggs, the chicken coops and houses for raising chickens are a perfect option. With them, you can have a safe place to keep your birds away from predators, birds of prey, and separate them from pets like dogs and cats.
Within the hen houses, there is a wide selection of products, with the most common being coops made of wood and slats for their durability and ease of cleaning.
Below, we show you the ones with the best quality, durability, and most sales:
As you can see, there are countless options, always recommending that you buy a large one to give your poultry as much space as possible. The more space they have, the more comfortable they will be, producing more eggs, and if you wish to increase the number of Gallus domesticus, you will not have overcrowding issues.
Made of Wood
Made of natural wood, this type of coop is perfect for installing on the land of a country house or in the garden of a chalet if you like natural things.
The wooden chicken coops are cheap, eco-friendly, and depending on the chosen model, you will be able to move it, that is, they are portable.
Below, we show you the catalogue of chicken houses, huts and coops made of wood with a rustic and modern style so you can choose the one that best suits your tastes and needs:
Among all the options, you should review the dimensions according to the number of specimens and farm animals you want to keep.
The size of the coop is very important. It is considered that for 10 chickens, a space of at least 1.6 m2 is necessary. If you provide 2m2, they will reward you with better egg production and superior meat quality.
Keep in mind that the perch or roost, the roosting bar, should have a separation of 15 to 20 cm.
On the other hand, the size of the run should be 3.5m2.
It is also important that the height for a coop for 4 or 10 chickens be between 1.6 and 1.9 meters, with windows that you can use for ventilation, to renew the air, and to prevent the accumulation of CO2, bad smells, and high temperatures in summer.
You can see all the large chicken coops for many birds or the small coop models to keep and raise fewer specimens.
Once we have the key points clear, let’s see the available options.
Large and Cheap Prefabricated Chicken Coops
Considering the size, it is easy to have 10 to 20 chickens in a few meters, requiring a larger space and dimensions for a coop for 50 chickens. But, as we have done the calculations for 10 laying and adult chickens, you just need to multiply the dimensions of the wooden house and the run by 5, requiring the same height regardless of the number.
Additionally, being made of biological materials, we can also consider them as large eco-friendly chicken coops, perfect for keeping your birds in optimal conditions.
Small, Portable, or Mobile Chicken Coops
Much more affordable in terms of price and space, small chicken coops can be placed in any garden or country house land.
These provide space for 1 to 10 chickens, being more than sufficient for most people who want to have eco-friendly, contaminant-free eggs and control the quality of the entire laying and breeding process of laying hens.
The difference between large and small coops is the size. The large ones have a larger enclosed area, as well as much more space with a mesh to keep the chickens inside. Buying small chicken coops or small hen houses are a perfect option for poultry farm enthusiasts and lovers of eco-friendly products.
Laying Chicken Coops
The models shown are suitable for both breeding and egg laying. The difference is that depending on the one you choose, you will need to adapt it more or less, including as many nests as you have chickens, or buying one of the following laying chicken coop models we show you:
And if you are interested in perfectly adapting the interior of the coop for the chickens, we will show you some models of automatic doors and accessories so your poultry can live in total comfort.
Automatic Doors for Chicken Coops
Additionally, you might be interested in having everything under control, without worry, and being able to open the coop door when you are not there:
Buying an automatic door opening system for the coop is one of the best things you can do. This system frees you from having to open and close the doors, saving time and allowing you to do other tasks without interruptions.
With the chicken coop timer, you will have the absolute certainty that your chickens can go out at the indicated time.
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